Saturday, July 12, 2014

It's been a while

So it has indeed been quite a while since I last did anything with this blog.  I make no guarantees that I'm going to start updating regularly again because things have been very hectic in my life, but in case you happen to stumble upon it, and decide to read it for whatever reason I do have some updates to tell y'all.  First off!  I still love language learning, and I've hardcore expanded my repertoire.  I am now not only fluent in German, and still learning Japanese, but I have also began teaching myself four other languages!

Did I pique your interest?  Sweet.  Then now would be a good time to tell you how I'm doing all this.  With a surprisingly small amount of resources.  My cousin actually unintentionally introduced me to a website through Facebook that I have sprung on like a straight guy on Jennifer Lawrence.  I'm willing to bet a fair few of you have already found this website by now, but in case you haven't.  The website is:  It's a great website run by an awesome group of people that have developed a system to help the average person learn any of the languages they have built it for (only French, Portuguese, German, Italian, Spanish and English at the moment) at their own pace.  If they don't have the language you want to learn, or a language you are a native in you can request that they develop it, or apply to help them develop it respectively.  They have proof that their system works too through research they've done on much of their user-base.  You can check it out here if you are having a hard time believing me since I'm just a random person online!  In addition they have built a phone app, so you can practice anywhere and any time.  Great for when you're done with all the things you've been assigned to do at work (just don't blame me if you get caught and yelled at while on the clock), are on your lunch break, or are commuting anywhere and everywhere.  You can download it from the apple app store or the google play store at your own convenience.  And last but not least on my duolingo rant!  Don't forget to add me when you join it!  My username on there is Cubelet.  Chat me up, down, left and right. I'll happily try to converse in whatever language you choose :)

Now you may be wondering how I'm still learning Japanese since it's obviously not one of the languages that Duolingo has to offer.  For that I must thank one of my long-time friends whose language focus is on the eastern languages.  He has pointed me toward quite a few resources (which I will share with you all in future posts hopefully), but the one I am currently enjoying (and will enjoy more when my computer is no longer broken)  is called Influent.  It's a wonderful language platform created by a kick-starter (woot for awesome ideas)  that you can buy and download from Steam.  It is available in multiple languages, and only costs $10 a language.  (That's a lot better than Rosetta Stone... Just sayin'...)  Check out this video before you buy it so you understand what it's like.  That isn't me playing the game just fyi (like I said. My computer is sadly broken atm.).  Hopefully in future posts I'll be able to post my own youtube videos and link those instead :P... I do have to warn, influent isn't as easy to use as duolingo, and not nearly as portable, but it's a great way to shore up your vocabulary, and start learning Kanji.  As I previously mentioned as well I will post more about tools to help you learn the in future posts.
Hope you're all doing well, and stay awesome. :D

(Also. Be on the lookout for a link to a new blog I will hopefully be starting soon about food.  It may have some international qualities, but it will mainly be delicious and weird foods my Wife and I make.  Cheers! :) )