Thursday, April 12, 2012

Other ways you can immerse yourself

And you might have not even thought of them before!  Are you a gamer? Great! you can buy games online from the  country of origin! (or even play flash games online!) Or how about a non electronic gamer?  I myself have personally played Dungeons and Dragons in German with some fellow students. It was quite the challenge.  Or even if you're not the hardcore console or computer gamer type you can find smart phone apps in your language of choice. I just picked up a hangman app and an anagram app in German.  Both are quite fun (and remind me quite easily of how easy it is to forget a language if you aren't practicing it on a relatively regular basis which brings us to another possible way to get that immersion!

What way might that be you ask? Well having a pen pal of course! There's hundreds of pen pal websites out there on that vast interweb including this one .  One of my friends introduced me to it around the time I started this blog (about 3 days ago or so)  and I most definitely plan to use it.  (maybe in a future update I shall inform you of my progress in this venture!)  Or if you are the super nerd type of gamer and love playing WoW (and even pay for it!) there are servers that are (purposefully anyway) German based!  You could create an account on one of those and suddenly you have a whole world full of German speakers you can talk to and venture with!

So the moral of this post is!: Much like one of the previous ones! Be proactive in immersing yourself! Find ways that fit your style and use them!

1 comment:

  1. I am interested about this, Unfortunately I do not live in German!! What's about non German?
